Published or Accepted journal papers
Valentin Resseguier, Erwan Hascoet, Bertrand Chapron (2024). "Wave propagation in random 2D turbulence: a multi-scale approach". Journal of Fluid Mechanics.[HAL] [file]
Yicun Zhen, Valentin Resseguier, Bertrand Chapron (2023). "Physically Constrained Covariance Inflation from Location Uncertainty". in EGUsphere [HAL][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Matheus Ladvig, Dominique Heitz (2022). "Real-time estimation and prediction of unsteady flows using reduced-order models coupled with few measurements". Journal of Computational Physics. [HAL][file] [github repo]
Valentin Resseguier, Bertrand Chapron, Etienne Mémin (2022). "Effects of smooth divergence-free flows on tracer gradients and spectra: Eulerian prognosis description". Journal of Physical Oceanography. [HAL][file][github repo]
Valentin Resseguier, Agustin Martin Picard, Etienne Mémin, Bertrand Chapron (2021). "Quantifying truncation-related uncertainties in unsteady fluid dynamics reduced order models". SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification. [HAL][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Long Li, Gabriel Jouan, Pierre Dérian, Etienne Mémin, Chapron Bertrand (2021) "New trends in ensemble forecast strategy: uncertainty quantification for coarse-grid computational fluid dynamics", Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.[HAL][bibtex][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Wei Pan, Baylor Fox-Kemper (2020) "Data-driven versus self-similar parameterizations for Stochastic Advection by Lie Transport and Location Uncertainty", Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.[HAL][bibtex][file] [github repo]
Bertrand Chapron, Pierre Dérian, Etienne Mémin, Valentin Resseguier (2018) "Large scale flows under location uncertainty: a consistent stochastic framework", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.[HAL][bibtex][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Etienne Mémin, Dominique Heitz, Bertrand Chapron (2017) "Stochastic modelling and diffusion modes for proper orthogonal decomposition models and small-scale flow analysis", Journal of Fluid Mechanics.[HAL][bibtex][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Etienne Mémin, Bertrand Chapron (2017) "Geophysical flows under location uncertainty, Part III SQG and frontal dynamics under strong turbulence conditions", Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.[HAL][bibtex][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Etienne Mémin, Bertrand Chapron (2017) "Geophysical flows under location uncertainty, Part II Quasi-geostrophy and efficient ensemble spreading", Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.[HAL][bibtex][file] [github repo]
Valentin Resseguier, Etienne Mémin, Bertrand Chapron (2017) "Geophysical flows under location uncertainty, Part I Random transport and general models", Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.[HAL][bibtex][file]
Valentin Resseguier (2024). "Maximum likelihood estimation of subgrid flows from tracer image sequences". in Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2023 [HAL][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Yicun Zhen, Bertrand Chapron (2023). "Constrained random diffeomorphisms for data assimilation". in Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2022 [HAL][file]
Valentin Resseguier, Erwan Hascoet, Bertrand Chapron (2022). "Random ocean swell-rays: a stochastic framework". in Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2021 [HAL][file]
Other preprints